We left home on 25 April, spent a couple of nights in Birmingham followed by a couple in Folkestone, arriving in France on Friday 28 April. Stopped in Guine for a night, then Guignecourt for a night grabbing some groceries on the way.
Sunday very windy so only made it as far as Langres, stopping for two nights to get a break from the driving. Next on to Macon for a night at the municipal site. Would have stayed for two, but the place seems to be getting a bit expensive for what it Is, these days.
Wednesday 3 May took us through Lyon with the usual warm feeling when emerging from the tunnel and seeing the river on the left and the old buildings on the right. And the dreadful traffic jam in the other direction. Pressed on to Chateaurenard, just south of Avignon. Stay six nights and get one free seemed like a good deal so we stayed for a week. Lost TV antenna to a tree
Wednesday 10 May we find ourselves in Massane Plage, a place we are getting to know well, on the Etang de Berre. Beach across the road with a bar and takeaway, big, private pitches and only 15 Euros a night.

Ready to watch Spanish GP.